The Heart of a Youth Leader
This is for anyone working with children or young people in a church context, and will help you to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus as you invest in the next generations. You can watch episodes on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/thriveyouthmin Created by Thrive Youth Ministries in UK.
The Heart of a Youth Leader
Wearing the right clothes | Colossians 3:12
Thrive Youth Ministries
Season 6
Episode 17
In this episode, we explore how we can start the day on the right foot and preparing ourselves properly for the day ahead.
'The Heart of a Youth Leader' is a weekly series, aimed at all those who work with children and young people in a church context. Each episode is presented by Andy Castle, CEO & Founder of Thrive Youth Ministries.
You can also watch this episode on YouTube.
Find out more at www.thriveym.org.uk